Awe-stin: Rocking Along the Troubadour, TX Tour.

(Austin, TX)

There was a buffet of Texas music in Austin on Wednesday, and Troubadour, TX got a little bit of everything on our plate. From Texas country to some solid Folk there was something for every musical appetite.

It was the, “best sounding hotel room I’ve ever met” as Charlie Faye would say.

More than 19 artists made it out for the Austin Meet & Greet, and producers got to enjoy a tapestry of Texas music all from the comfort of one room.

Troubadour, TX rolled into town to kick-off the day with a VIP event in the morning. We got to discuss the show with the upper echelon of the sing songwriter industry: artists, managers, and the media that supports them. Lone Star Music Magazine made it out for the event. They hold an annual awards event showcasing the top  of Texas music.

Later that afternoon, a round of performances kicked off to show producers another side of Texas music located in the heart of the live music mecca. Any time I think I’ve got Austin pegged. It amazes me once more.

Thank you Austin, and we’ll be back soon!

Cheers, EE!

Austin Meet & Greet:

1. Emory Quinn

2. Mike and the Moonpies

3. Chacho and Brance

4. Charley Austin

5. Lincoln Durham

6. Brandon McDermott

7. Vanessa Lively

8. Deann Renee

9. Matt the Electrian

10. Butch Morgan

11. Courtney Now

12. Tara Craig

13. Betty Soo

14. Noelle Hampton

15. Elizabeth Wills

16. Charlie Faye

17. Mario Flores

18. Will Sexton

19. Miranda Dodson

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